Sunday, August 11, 2019

The story of the lion and the frog

The story of the lion and the frog

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The story of the lion and the frog

🦁The Lion and the Frog:frog:

The Lion was the King of the forest. He had a powerful voice and he roared to please himself and scare others.

All the animals were scared of him. He also knew every corner of the forest and every animal and every sound in it.

Now, there was a pond in the middle of the forest. The Lion would drink water and sleep there for some

time, every day.

One day, the Lion finished drinking water and lay down by the pond. As his eyes were closing, he heard a new sound. It was a hollow, croaky

sound. He opened his eyes, but he didn’t see anyone! Then, he heard it a second, and a third time.

By now, the Lion was scared and thought in fear, What if it were a ghost?

After some time, a Frog crawled out of the pond and croaked.

The Lion saw that he had been scared out of his wits by so small a creature!

He grew angry with the Frog and tore it to pieces with his claws. The poor Frog never croaked again!

It is silly to fear anything without complete knowledge of it.

The story of the Flute Player

The story of the Flute Player

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The story of the Flute Player
The Flute Player

Once upon a time, there was a famous flute player in Rome. His name was Prince. At one of the shows, while Prince was playing the flute, he slipped and tumbled down the stage. People came running to carry him out, as he had broken his leg.

His listeners missed him, as he took many months to recover.

One day, an important man from Rome was organising a show. He invited Prince to make an appearance.

On the day of the show, when the curtains parted, a chorus was being played. Prince had not heard this before, as he was away from the theatre for a long time.

The words of the chorus were “Rejoice, 0 Rome: you are safe now that the Prince is well!”

All the people stood up and clapped loudly. The flute player blew kisses to them, thinking that his listeners were happy to have him back.

The audience knew that Prince was making a mistake. Then, he bowed before the people. Suddenly, he lost control and fell off the stage. The song was in fact being played as an honour to the Prince of Rome.

Self importance can be harmful.

The story of the Flute Player

The story of The Circus Dog and the Street Dogs

The story of The Circus Dog and the Street Dogs

The Circus Dog and the Street Dogs
Image result for The story of The Circus Dog and the Street Dogs
The story of The Circus Dog and the Street Dogs
Image result for The story of The Circus Dog and the Street Dogs
The story of The Circus Dog and the Street Dogs

In a certain town, there was a company of circus performers. Many animals were trained in the circus to perform different acts.

A Dog was trained to fight. The trained Dog would fight against a bigger and stronger animal like a lion or a bear. The audience cheered till one of the animals got wounded or even died.

The Dog was scared and did not want to fight the fierce animals. One day, he bit the collar around his neck.

Then, he ran out of the tent and through the streets.

The Dog was as strong as a bull, since he was well fed. So, the Street Dogs saw him and asked, “Dear friend, you look quite strong and healthy, why are you running away?”

The Dog replied sadly, “I get lots of good food to eat and have a comfortable life. However, I am forced to fight with lions and bears and risk my life in the ring.”

The other Dogs said to one another, “We may have little, but we are better-off because our lives are not in


Better to be safe with little than have more and
be in danger.

The story of The Spectacles

The story of  The Spectacles

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The story of the spectacles
The Spectacles
It was a beautiful spring day. The sun was shining warmly, the flowers were blooming and butterflies were flying. God Jupiter was sitting on a cloud. He was enjoying the view from above. He thought, ‘How pretty the Earth looks! Indeed, the sight makes me happy. I must gift the Humans something!’

Thus, Jupiter ordered Momus to deliver his special gifts to the Humans. On Earth, Momus called all Humans and said, “0 Humans! All of you were created differently. Your vision is also different. Some of you can see perfectly, while others have weak eyes. Therefore, great Jupiter has sent presents for you.”

Then, Momus opened the sack. It contained hundreds of pairs of Spectacles. There was one pair for each Human. They were very happy.

However, every pair of Spectacles was differently coloured. There were blue, white, yellow and purple pairs. Yet, every Human was very happy with his pair. Each thought that he owned the best pair. All Humans praised Jupiter.

Today, these Spectacles are known as Opinions. Every Human has a different Opinion. Each one thinks that his Opinion is the best among all the others!

Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion.

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JNTUH B. Pharmacy Question Paper
I B.Pharmacy Communication Skills Final Paper

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