Monday, January 7, 2019

Characteristics & Functions of communication

 Characteristics & Functions of communication

Characteristics of Communication
The characteristics of communication include:
1.      Communication is a process: Communication is a 2 way process which involves; listening to others (Receiving) message Asserting/Expressing (Sending).
2.      Communication is a dynamic: it is ever changing depending on the variables at play.
3.      Communication is a complex a process.
4.      Communication is a two-way process of reaching mutual understanding, in which participants not only exchange (encode-decode) information but also create and share meaning.
5.      Communication involves the sharing of information using a code.
6.      Communication occurs between people and sometimes animals
7.      Communication is irreversible: once one has communicated something it cannot be recalled back.
8.      Communication is a system
9.      Communication must have the elements of communication: Source, receiver, channel, message, noise, feedback.
10.  Communication can be verbal/ non verbal or visual.
11.  Communication can be accidental especially in non-verbal

Functions of communication
Human beings communicate for various reasons. Here are some of the reasons why we must communicate:
1.      To change in behavior
2.      To influence others
3.      To express our thoughts and emotions through words & actions.
4.      It is a tool for controlling and motivating people.
5.      It is a social and emotional process.
6.      Communication for improving self-confidence
7.      Entertain
8.      Educate
9.      Establish relationships
10.  Inform
11.  Solve problems
12.  Make orders
13.  Give directions

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